Sunday, October 25, 2020

Do You Want to See Something Really Scary? The 2020 Edition

For 9 years I have been writing this Halloween post.  The title comes from Twilight Zone--The Movie.  I never saw it, but there is a famous scene where three friends are in a car at night driving through the woods and one of them begins to try to scare the others. Finally, one of the others asks his two friends, "Do you want to see something really scary?"  When they agree, he turns away and turns back to reveal the form of a hideous demon that kills them both.

At the beginning of 2020, many people were saying that this was a year for clarity--20/20 vision.  So far, 2020 has seemed like a year straight out of a low-budget horror film.  COVID 19 and our response to it has been like the stuff out of zombie apocalypse movies.  And yet, I would suggest that 2020 HAS in fact been a year for clarity--a good hard preview of what socialism and Agenda 21 will mean for America.  Under the guise of keeping us safe from COVID 19, state and local governments imprisoned people in their homes without cause for, in some cases, months on end.  They forced closure of privately-owned businesses.  They jailed business owners for attempting to ply their trade and make a living.  They banned parties in homes, banned patriotic displays, shut down churches, shut down civic and sporting events.  They closed schools and colleges--depriving kids of the right to get an education.  They closed stores and shopping malls and defined the types of shopping that were acceptable (one Texas mayor stated that shopping for a clothing item you really needed was acceptable but shopping for the latest fashions was not). Museums and outdoor botanical gardens were closed; children's playground equipment was covered with police tape so that kids could not use it. They forced people exhibiting no symptoms to wear facial coverings or else face fines, removal from public transportation, denial of goods and services.  Those who objected were subjected to contempt and ridicule and in some cases arrest and imprisonment. Anyone who refused to comply was labeled a murderer.  Social media accounts were terminated and any post that contradicted the public line was deemed "fake news" and scorned by the mega companies that control thought and speech in the US.  In short, in just over 7 months the government has taken away our most basic rights and freedoms and redefined life.  And it is not over--in fact, we are being told that this is just starting and a "long dark winter" is ahead of us.

Now we are only days away from the presidential election and we get to vote on the future of our country.  The old expression goes that "hindsight is always 20/20."  If you want to know what the future of our country under Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat party are, look closely at the last 7 months.  That was the movie preview version--the reality will be much scarier.

Biden has already stated that within 10 days of his inauguration on January 20 he will sign a federal COVID-19 law.  While we have no way of knowing exactly what is in that bill, we do know that it will federally mandate face masks for everyone at all times.  We also know that it will control which businesses can be open and which businesses can be closed, will restrict all public gatherings, even in private homes and will give the law enforcement control over our private lives in a way that we never have experienced before.  Based on what has happened in blue states this year, we can be certain that churches will be closed permanently--religious services will be banned.

We also know that Biden is going to sign a climate change bill and the Green New Deal which is just Agenda 21--or now Agenda 2030.  Joe Biden admitted in the last debate that he will ban all fossil fuels. He also admitted that All buildings (that means your house too) must meet strict new green standards.  Since that won't be possible, most of those buildings will have to go.  The goal of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 remains the abolition of ALL private property and all private transportation.  It calls for global depopulation and packing the world into densely packed "settlements".  When it is implemented, all small businesses will be gone; all private property will be gone, all private savings accounts and bank accounts will be gone.  We will live and die at the whim of the big, bloated government we have created and enabled.  

Under the Biden-Harris presidency, America will be remade in just a few months into a socialist country where there is no freedom and no economic opportunity.  What we have seen as a dry run over the past 7 months is going to be lived out on a major scale.

I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016--I did not like his past and I did not trust his politics. (I did not vote for Hillary Clinton either; I voted third-party).   I am voting for him in 2020. He has done a lot of things right as president--both nationally and internationally.   For all of his personal failings, he is absolutely right about this--if we don't reopen our country, there is not going to be a country. We as a country allowed our freedoms to be snatched away by state and local officials within a period of about 30 days this spring because the government told us it was for our own good.  Imagine what will happen on January 30 with a federal COVID 19 law.  If we stand back and allow a federal law shutting down this country to be enacted on January 30 our nation will be destroyed and freedom as we have known it will be gone forever.  

Over 50 million Americans have voted so far and in the Real Clear Politics national presidential  poll released yesterday, Biden is leading by 7 points nationwide.  So the question is this--do you like Joe Biden's vision of America?  We have been given 20/20 vision into what our future is going to be if we elect Socialists.  The choice now is yours and mine.  A vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for Agenda 21--we are voting away everything we own or aspire to own.  We are voting away the right to own property, the right to own a business, the right to worship, the right to free speech, the right to freedom of assembly and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  And that's REALLY scary. If you don't like that vision of America, vote for Donald Trump.  Consider yourself warned.

Alexandra Swann's novel W: The Set, incorporates her novels The Planner and The Chosen which tell the story of  an out-of-control, environmentally-driven federal government implementing Agenda 21 and NDAA.  The set is available on Kindle. For more information, visit her website at

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